The chanel handbags,chanel black patent leather bag,enter in February,the luxury brand will usher in the rise of price in the spring once a year, Channel first rose around 15%. Though luxury annual rise in price to already was become guild regulations, but many consumers expressed calm, and still purchase in enthusiasm, several times a year the rising price still maintain a luxury high-end consumption status.Include the Channel,Bulgari,Dior,Hermes and so forth.Some of the luxury brand price rises by again 15%.The people who often purchase the luxury goods or attention to the luxury may have discovered,luxury brand Channel on February 1st raised the retail price,the price adjustment involved in the Chanel watches,jewelry,bags series,the amount of increase is 15%.But if you prefer the cheap chanel calfskin handbag ,here it is.
The rise of chanel flap bags attracts attention warmly,first in France at January 16,on 2012 February 1st in the United States and other countries and regions also begins to rise. More importantly, Chanel purchasing system has also changed."From February, waiting list, Classic series, from booking to get at least six weeks, the spot is less and less, it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy." An international customer said,as the way going, Chanel will soon catch up with Hermes.In addition to Channel, Bulgari, Dior, Hermes and other brands have been carried out as part of the price of the products. The Hermes had rised in January ,about 7% to 10%. While Bulgari was completed rising by 5%-15% on January 24th .Dior is expected to be completed in February.For affordable and genuine chanel bags,just check it out.